Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Weight Hypothesis


This has nothing to do with diet. It is well-known that matter in the universe seeks the lowest-energy state possible by way of gravity. When an object is in the air, it falls to the ground because it would require less energy to maintain it there than it would in the air. Planets and stars form into a spherical shape because that is the shape with the lowest surface are per volume and thus the lowest energy level.

I have been thinking about why the universe is unable to acheive a gravitational zero energy state. If matter could get to where gravity was trying to pull it in the seeking of a zero energy state, that matter would be weightless. Gravity should actually have put itself out of business and ceased to be a force by now but the way atoms are constructed makes a gravitational zero energy universe impossible.

Matter is mutually exclusive, two objects cannot occupy the same space, but gravity goes right through matter. My conclusion is that if matter could pass through other matter, it would be possible to attain a zero energy universe.


It is possible for two galaxies to collide and pass through each other without a single star collision. Atoms are also mostly empty space and it may seem that they should be able to pass through each other as well but cannot due to what is known as "electron repulsion".

Gravity attracts two objects together. The average distance between the negative and positive charges in one of the objects to the negative and positive charges in the other object is the same. But as the two objects get very close together, that no longer remains true.

The atoms in both objects have negatively-charged electrons on the outside. This means that when the objects reach very close quarters, the electrons repulse each other and the attractive force between the two ceases. A state of equilibrium is reached and the two objects remain as close as they can get but without merging into or passing through each other.

Despite what we perceive, two objects do not actually touch due to electron repulsion. The positive and negative charges in the atoms of two objects can be compared to positive and negative layers. Both objects have a negative layer on the outside. The thickness of the layers is insignificant in comparison with the distance between the objects until they get extremely close and the outer layer of each object repulses it's counterpart. An equilibrium is reached and the objects cannot get and closer or pass through each other.

If the positive and negative charges in atoms were random, this would not be the case. Neither is it the case when matter comes in contact with antimatter, which has the positively-charged particles on the outside.


Weight is not the same thing as mass, which is fixed and is the amount of matter in an object. Weight is variable and is the result of gravity acting on a mass. Weight is therefore the result of kinetic energy, or energy of position. This hypothesis revolves around the idea that weight is the manifestation of the fact that matter is able to get only part of the way to where it is being directed by gravity.

The gravitational attraction between two objects is between the centers of the masses but due to electron repulsion, moving objects must come to a halt upon contact with another object. The manifestation of this blocked motion of objects during the movement toward a gravitational zero energy universe is weight. The basic meaning of weight is that an object is trying to fall but is blocked from doing so by electron repulsion. This is why a falling body is weightless and weight is not manifested until the call of gravity is blocked.

In an ideal universe, there would be mass but no weight. All weight is an symptom of an imperfect universe, a manifestation of the fact that gravity and the structure of atoms work in opposition to each other. Gravity keeps trying to get to a zero-energy universe but is blocked from doing so.

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